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Gynaecology Ultrasound

Siles Health Gynaecology

Specialist Gynaecological Ultrasound

Pelvic Ultrasound


Gynaecological ultrasound is used to assess the female pelvic region focusing on the uterus and the ovaries to diagnose causes for symptoms and consult or manage these conditions.


Most gynaecological ultrasounds are performed trans-vaginally as this almost always shows a clearer view of the pelvic organs. Therefore an empty bladder is required.


Diagnostic Procedures


The diagnostic procedures offered are:


- Egg Timer Test

- Saline infusion

- Tubal Patency and Flush 

- Endometrial biopsy 


Egg Timer Test


The egg timer test estimates the ovarian reserve – the number of good quality eggs left within the ovaries. This gives an indication of the likely fertility status of a woman. The test involves a single blood test and a trans-vaginal ultrasound between days 3 - 5 of the menstrual cycle. The blood test measures levels of several different hormones, and combined with the scan result gives an estimate of the ovarian reserve.

This method allows the effective age the ovaries irrespective of the chronological age of the patient.


Saline infusion


Saline infusion is a test where a small volume of saline (salt solution) is inserted into the uterus. This allows the lining of the uterus (endometrium) to be clearly seen on an ultrasound scan therefore making it easier to assess the uterine cavity and endometrium accurately and detect certain pathology like polyps.


Tubal Patency


This procedure is usually recommended to some women who might be having difficulty conceiving, as it detects any blockages in the fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes are a pair of thin tubes connecting the ovaries to the uterus. In reproduction, an ovary "bursts", releasing an egg, which then travels along the fallopian tube and into he uterus.


Therefore, to obtain a pregnancy the tubes must be open and clear from any blockages. When there are tubal blockages, this prevents the egg from meeting the sperm, so it becomes very difficult or impossible for conception to take place.


If the doctor wants to test whether or not the fallopian tubes are clear, they will often ask for a Tubal Patency Procedure. There are many different names for this procedure, the most common being the Contrast as this is the name of the product solution used. It is also referred to as Tubal Patency Testor Hystero-Salpingo Contrast Sonography (HSG).


Tubal Flushing allows the flushing of the Fallopian tubes to clear and debris in the tubes and relax the smooth muscle in the walls of the Fallopian tubes to prevent re accumulation for a period of 3 to 6 months (depending on solution used). Effectively allowing the Fallopian tubes to stay open to increase chance of fertilisation and therefore increase the chance of pregnancy.